2019 | Land | Australie | Physiotherapy research international | Effect of manual physiotherapy in homogeneous individuals with subacromial shoulder impingement: A randomized controlled trial. | Essai clinique randomisé | Mobil thx VS mobil Epaule VS Control | n=60 ; P > 80 % | Manual therapy treatment that addresses these extrinsic factors, of thoracic spine or posterior shoulder tightness, decreases the signs and symptoms of SSI | ||
2018 | Grimes | USA | The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy | The Comparative Effects of Upper Thoracic Spine Thrust Manipulation Techniques in Individuals With Subacromial Pain Syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial. | Essai clinique randomisé | SMT thx décub VS assis VS placebo | n=60 ; P > 80 % | There were no significant between group differences in immediate or short-term follow-up outcomes. | ||
2016 | Guimaraes | Brésil | Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics | Immediate Effects of Mobilization With Movement vs Sham Technique on Range of Motion, Strength, and Function in Patients With Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: Randomized Clinical Trial. | Essai clinique randomisé | TOG vs placebo | n=27 | Pas de différence entre TOG et placebo | ||
2016 | Laframboise | Canada | The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic association | Effect of two consecutive spinal manipulations in a single session on myofascial pain pressure sensitivity: a randomized controlled trial. | Essai clinique pilote | 2 manips HVT cervicales vs 1 manip HVT + 1 placebo | Augmentation du seuil de pression douloureuse de l’infra-épineux supérieure chez le groupe ayant reçu 2 manips | |||
2016 | Wassinger | USA | Manual Therapy | Cervical & thoracic manipulations: Acute effects upon pain pressure threshold and self-reported pain in experimentally induced shoulder pain. | Essai clinique non controlé | Manipulations cervicales et thoraciques | Diminution significative de la douleur à court-terme (douleur type courbature provoquée par exercice 2 jours avant) | |||
2016 | Lari | Iran | Manual Therapy | The effect of the combination of dry needling and MET on latent trigger point upper trapezius in females | Essai clinique randomisé | MET (muscle energy technique) vs DN (dry needling) vs MET+DN | Diminution de douleurs dans les 3 groupes mais meilleurs résultats dans le groupe DN+MET | |||
2015 | Dunning | USA | Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics | Changes in shoulder pain and disability after thrust manipulation in subjects presenting with second and third rib syndrome. | Essai clinique non controlé | Manipulations thoraciques et costales | amélioration des symptômes, mais pas de groupe contrôle | |||
2015 | Aoyagi | NZ | Manual Therapy | Determining the level of evidence for the effectiveness of spinal manipulation in upper limb pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Revue systématique | Manipulation vertébrale HVT | 6 études analysées | Les études ne permettent pas de conclure et sont de qualité insuffisante. Dl d’épaule et de coude | ||
2015 | Kardouni | USA | The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy | Thoracic Spine Manipulation in Individuals With Subacromial Impingement Syndrome Does Not Immediately Alter Thoracic Spine Kinematics, Thoracic Excursion, or Scapular Kinematics: A Randomized Controlled Trial. | Essai clinique randomisé | HVT dorsal VS placebo | 52 patients | Pas de modification de la mobilité thoracique et scapulaire après manip dorsale chez cette population |