2019LandAustraliePhysiotherapy research internationalEffect of manual physiotherapy in homogeneous individuals with subacromial shoulder impingement: A randomized controlled trial.Essai clinique randomisé  Mobil thx VS mobil Epaule VS Controln=60 ; P > 80 %Manual therapy treatment that addresses these extrinsic factors, of thoracic
spine or posterior shoulder tightness, decreases the signs and symptoms of SSI
2018GrimesUSAThe Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapyThe Comparative Effects of Upper Thoracic Spine Thrust Manipulation Techniques in Individuals With Subacromial Pain Syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Essai clinique randomisé  SMT thx décub VS assis VS placebon=60 ; P > 80 %There were no significant between group differences in immediate or short-term follow-up outcomes.
2016GuimaraesBrésilJournal of Manipulative and Physiological TherapeuticsImmediate Effects of Mobilization With Movement vs Sham Technique on Range of Motion, Strength, and Function in Patients With Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: Randomized Clinical Trial.Essai clinique randomisé  TOG vs placebon=27Pas de différence entre TOG et placebo
2016LaframboiseCanadaThe Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic associationEffect of two consecutive spinal manipulations in a single session on myofascial pain pressure sensitivity: a randomized controlled trial.Essai clinique pilote2 manips HVT cervicales vs 1 manip HVT + 1 placeboAugmentation du seuil de pression douloureuse de l’infra-épineux supérieure chez le groupe ayant reçu 2 manips
2016WassingerUSAManual TherapyCervical & thoracic manipulations: Acute effects upon pain pressure threshold and self-reported pain in experimentally induced shoulder pain.Essai clinique non controléManipulations cervicales et thoraciquesDiminution significative de la douleur à court-terme (douleur type courbature provoquée par exercice 2 jours avant)
2016LariIranManual TherapyThe effect of the combination of dry needling and MET on latent trigger point upper trapezius in femalesEssai clinique randomisé  MET (muscle energy technique) vs DN (dry needling) vs MET+DNDiminution de douleurs dans les 3 groupes mais meilleurs résultats dans le groupe DN+MET
2015DunningUSAJournal of Manipulative and Physiological TherapeuticsChanges in shoulder pain and disability after thrust manipulation in subjects presenting with second and third rib syndrome.Essai clinique non controléManipulations thoraciques et costalesamélioration des symptômes, mais pas de groupe contrôle
2015AoyagiNZManual TherapyDetermining the level of evidence for the effectiveness of spinal
manipulation in upper limb pain: A systematic review and
Revue systématiqueManipulation vertébrale HVT6 études analyséesLes études ne permettent pas de conclure et sont de qualité insuffisante. Dl d’épaule et de coude
2015KardouniUSAThe Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapyThoracic Spine Manipulation in Individuals With Subacromial Impingement Syndrome Does Not Immediately Alter Thoracic Spine Kinematics, Thoracic Excursion, or Scapular Kinematics: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Essai clinique randomisé  HVT dorsal VS placebo52 patientsPas de modification de la mobilité thoracique et scapulaire après manip dorsale chez cette population